Using internet at Lao's internet cafe.
Posted by
, Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 1:52 pm, in
The problem with internet cafe, is their keyboard and mouse tends to be really dirty and slimy! Think they should start creating disposable keyboard and mouse, or try to wipe it once a day!
Hmm... time not enuf to update again. Gng Chiang Mai tml
Posted by
, Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 9:21 pm, in
At Bangkok Gloria jean using internet. But only 1 hr free. so i dun think i will be able to update in time. hopefully the guesthse at chiang mai has wifi... signing off now.
Hmm... An adventure? Not Yet, but near
Posted by
, Monday, November 16, 2009 at 8:12 pm, in
Hmm... have been quite a fast pace trip for the last few days... rushing to get on the train. Arriving super early in the morning? Or maybe it should be say at night?
Experiencing first hand, stone chip into the Train Window (which is realli loud) and causes a extremely complex crackline, yet amazingly not falling apart despite the bumpy ride and fast movement of the train. Talking to lots of interesting ppl on the train... Actually I didn't tok much... Kevin was doing the talking while I was acting all too Jap... keep snapping at the scenery or reading a book and pretend I dun understand. In fact, I can't talk much, coz they r using dialect. I understand them... but I would look like an idiot if I try to talk to them using my broken dialect...
My tactic...keep trying to act cool and ans only if its auntie or ah gong who needed help in moving heavy stuff.
Anyway during my 23hr ride from Penang to Bangkok, we were molested many times by a 5 yrs old gal... or more like domestic violence??? She was hitting us throughout the train journey. Using fist and Stepping on our toes.... :( but she is still cute... lol
And tats not all... even eating food become damm exciting.. .it almost like amazing race. We arrive very early at Penang... ard 4-5am... and all the shops ard the ferry are close. We were kind of famished, only bought a small pack of bread up the train, thinking they will be selling food onboard... hmm maybe they did... but we were too lazy to find out. So we walk ard the place looking for food... took us ard 15-20 mins b4 we located a prata shop...After some hesitation, since we just ate some prata like 2 days b4, we went in and order some prata... The prata guy seeing us from oversea actually offer us some free potatoes curry salad! Its tasty and similar to the one in spore... So we happily took it... haha must make use of all the advantage we get.
When we almost finished the breadfast, I call thiong at ard 7 plus... didnt want to wake him up too early, coz its his weekend afterall. I know he wouldn't mind, but I realli paiseh to wake him up so early... TBC
>>>> Got to stop here, writing at the Cybercafe in MBK bangkok... will update as soon as possible and tats if i remb the details.
Experiencing first hand, stone chip into the Train Window (which is realli loud) and causes a extremely complex crackline, yet amazingly not falling apart despite the bumpy ride and fast movement of the train. Talking to lots of interesting ppl on the train... Actually I didn't tok much... Kevin was doing the talking while I was acting all too Jap... keep snapping at the scenery or reading a book and pretend I dun understand. In fact, I can't talk much, coz they r using dialect. I understand them... but I would look like an idiot if I try to talk to them using my broken dialect...
My tactic...keep trying to act cool and ans only if its auntie or ah gong who needed help in moving heavy stuff.
Anyway during my 23hr ride from Penang to Bangkok, we were molested many times by a 5 yrs old gal... or more like domestic violence??? She was hitting us throughout the train journey. Using fist and Stepping on our toes.... :( but she is still cute... lol
And tats not all... even eating food become damm exciting.. .it almost like amazing race. We arrive very early at Penang... ard 4-5am... and all the shops ard the ferry are close. We were kind of famished, only bought a small pack of bread up the train, thinking they will be selling food onboard... hmm maybe they did... but we were too lazy to find out. So we walk ard the place looking for food... took us ard 15-20 mins b4 we located a prata shop...After some hesitation, since we just ate some prata like 2 days b4, we went in and order some prata... The prata guy seeing us from oversea actually offer us some free potatoes curry salad! Its tasty and similar to the one in spore... So we happily took it... haha must make use of all the advantage we get.
When we almost finished the breadfast, I call thiong at ard 7 plus... didnt want to wake him up too early, coz its his weekend afterall. I know he wouldn't mind, but I realli paiseh to wake him up so early... TBC
>>>> Got to stop here, writing at the Cybercafe in MBK bangkok... will update as soon as possible and tats if i remb the details.
Finally leaving on Friday The 13th!
Posted by
, Friday, November 13, 2009 at 2:46 am, in
Ok everything settle... bag already pack... 10kg of shit to carry ard with me.... I wonder is it possible to put it on the bus... just look at the size... Anyway thks weiting for lending me this wonderful backpack! Its so cool and easy to tidy! But one piece of bad news, I just broke one of the plastic clips... keke
Should be reaching KL later afternoon, and Sat morning at Buttersworth. Will be meeting perth friends. Ah Thiong! Hes nice enough to let us bunk in his hse! And he is treating us Movie 2012! wahahah abit paiseh siaz! Maybe should stay at Penang longer and leech on him! Anyway gonna try to have some rest. oh man... finally its happening...
Should be reaching KL later afternoon, and Sat morning at Buttersworth. Will be meeting perth friends. Ah Thiong! Hes nice enough to let us bunk in his hse! And he is treating us Movie 2012! wahahah abit paiseh siaz! Maybe should stay at Penang longer and leech on him! Anyway gonna try to have some rest. oh man... finally its happening...
Why the backpacking trip?
Posted by
, Monday, November 09, 2009 at 9:28 pm, in
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain
Car accident on 02 Nov 09
Posted by
, at 8:45 pm, in
Had a chain collision on upper Thomson road. :(
A white Honda civic hit a silver Mazda 3 before hitting my poor Honda Jazz.
Just to emphasize my pain, my car is less than a yr old.
This is the location where my car got hit.
View My save map in a larger map
It happens when I stopped in front of a red light traffic. I guess the third car (Honda Civic) must be chatting with his family and didn't notice the red light. Luckily no one is injure, else its gonna complicate matters more.
Got to postpone the BP trip just for this. The time lost and effort to remedy, is just not worth it man.... sianz
Front and back of the 2nd car
Front of the 3rd car. U can see the airbag crack the windscreen
A closer view of my car... but forget to take a clear shot of the bumper and 5th door... Just for the info... its been so deform, u can't close the door and gaps wide enuff to let rain water drip in
A white Honda civic hit a silver Mazda 3 before hitting my poor Honda Jazz.
Just to emphasize my pain, my car is less than a yr old.
This is the location where my car got hit.
View My save map in a larger map
It happens when I stopped in front of a red light traffic. I guess the third car (Honda Civic) must be chatting with his family and didn't notice the red light. Luckily no one is injure, else its gonna complicate matters more.
Got to postpone the BP trip just for this. The time lost and effort to remedy, is just not worth it man.... sianz
Damage to my car! but cant really see due to poor light... Iphone not so good under low light condition
Front and back of the 2nd car
Front of the 3rd car. U can see the airbag crack the windscreen
A closer view of my car... but forget to take a clear shot of the bumper and 5th door... Just for the info... its been so deform, u can't close the door and gaps wide enuff to let rain water drip in
Time to pack my room... in a total mess now
Posted by
, Thursday, November 05, 2009 at 3:09 am, in
This is the 3D view of my messy room at the moment. Gonna pack it b4 BP!!
I am using Photosynth from mircrosoft! A free software that stitches all the photo together in a 3D way! Its a cool and nifty piece of tool, esp when u wan to have a quick panoramic view and dun wan the hassle of stitching all the photos together by yourself.
Another advantage of using it will be the ability to keep shooting at any angle as long as the photos overlap each other. This way, you dun have to use a tripod and lock the exposure to get a panoramic photos!
To maneuver, left click and drag ur mouse left and right on the screen, it will move 360 degree ard the room.
Zoom in and out by scrolling the center wheel.
If you cant see this, u will need to install silverlight. It should work straight away on IE. However u will need to configure to make it work on firefox.
I am using Photosynth from mircrosoft! A free software that stitches all the photo together in a 3D way! Its a cool and nifty piece of tool, esp when u wan to have a quick panoramic view and dun wan the hassle of stitching all the photos together by yourself.
Another advantage of using it will be the ability to keep shooting at any angle as long as the photos overlap each other. This way, you dun have to use a tripod and lock the exposure to get a panoramic photos!
To maneuver, left click and drag ur mouse left and right on the screen, it will move 360 degree ard the room.
Zoom in and out by scrolling the center wheel.
If you cant see this, u will need to install silverlight. It should work straight away on IE. However u will need to configure to make it work on firefox.
Testing Post
Posted by
, Wednesday, November 04, 2009 at 5:09 am, in
testin testin testing 123
Blog revamp! In progress....
Posted by
, Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 6:51 pm, in
Reconstruction face lift surgery in progress....
Posted by
, Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 12:34 am, in
Or this song... though i prefer the super white; easier to sing and catchy... but it's always nice to have a backup song
超 级 白
Posted by
, at 12:11 am, in
Nice song... This is the song i will sing when i need to vent my anger
The ability to arrange a series of absurdly awkward body stances into a string of continuous, logical, melodic flow of beautiful motions...
The ability to arrange a series of absurdly awkward body stances into a string of continuous, logical, melodic flow of beautiful motions...
The 3 ghosts of april fool's day
Posted by
, Wednesday, April 01, 2009 at 8:16 pm, in

ok i posted new post under the request of my junior(nv er) yeah... woooohooooo alritezzzz
niceeee..... ok trying to make up one paragraph... but it prove to be harder than i tot... coz i have no news lately except dance training.... which i think the detail will bore anyone reading it... so ok, almost a paragraph soooon..... oh another news... i am getting married.... now for the 2nd paragraph
Happy April Fool's day to everyone.... wooohoooo
niceeee..... ok trying to make up one paragraph... but it prove to be harder than i tot... coz i have no news lately except dance training.... which i think the detail will bore anyone reading it... so ok, almost a paragraph soooon..... oh another news... i am getting married.... now for the 2nd paragraph
Happy April Fool's day to everyone.... wooohoooo
A very touching song.... 最后一次 by ?
Posted by
, Friday, February 13, 2009 at 6:03 pm, in
A very touching song... not sang by any famous singer, but I guess it has been made famous thru youtube or tudou.
There are a few versions, solo and duet... no idea whether any of story is true, but they all revolve around someone who is dying of illness at very young age.
Version one
Quoted from youtube comments
"Hi all, to all the speculation out there, this song was written by JAE, director of Music Garage, a music school in Singapore, bugis. This is the 2nd edition of zui hou yi ci, the 1st edition was sang by lovynn kan after JAE selected her to sing this song. you can purchase his album which has this song at the music school. For more enquiries do feel free to msg me. Do continue to support JAE and stay tune for part 2! "
In this MV, Jae was a teacher who is dignose with some kind of terminal illness... wanted to quickly impart his skill to this gal who was bully by other students jealous of her talent. But Jae was running out of time....
Personally I think this version is badly sang and the guy and gal can't even pronounce properly... making it hard to believe tat Jae was the guy who wrote this song with such wonderful lyrics...
The depth of this song seems to be from someone more refined and not so beng....
Version two
The singer was Loyvnn Kan. Her voice is full of emotions... she brought out the "feel" and "visual" impact of this song...
Story of this version
Quoted from youtube comments
"its the story of the girl and her bf. they were very close and their parents are kind of like approve them, they are going to get married aft uni. but during the 3rd year of high sch, going through a medical check up, the docs found out that the girl's blood protein is abnormal. through a detailed check up, they found out that the girl had some skin disease, she had less than a year to live.
so she start writhing a journal to record her life, that when she found out that most of the things were done with her bf, he became irreplaceable to her. so she decided to write him a song. she got a friend to help do the recording. she wrote the lyrics, compose the tunes and sang it herself even though she's feeling very weak.
Aft the song had been completed, she asked for euthanasia. b4 she died, she told her bf:'i cant see the sunrise anymore, but i'm not afraid cos i had you'. the bf travelled to all places where he can see sunrise for his gf,took pics of it.
earlier this yr(2008), while he was on one mountain top admirinf the sunrise, he lost his footing and fell of the mountain. by the time his body had been found it was alrdy badly decomposed, but his camera is still intact and in it was the last sunrise he took. "
Version 3
They say the gal's name is 思 since in the lyrics, the singer pronounce 思走了,and not 先走了
If I am given a choice to choose which version is the real one, I would definately prefer version 2... as the story matches the lyrics and make more sense... also the singer is so much better than the previous version. But of coz, there's only one truth, no matter what I choose... lol
However everyone is claiming they know the person who wrote the song... be it the first version or second version... some say they even have newspaper article that supported their version of the story... though so far no one has produced any link or evidences online... Some say the gal is from JB, some say from SG, some say from China... depending on where u view the video from... from youtube or tudou.. lol...
I guess some people just felt that by claiming being friends of the singer in real life, their status will somehow be elevated to a god like position
Out of curiosity,I have search the web for lovynn kan and found... mainly just the mp3 songs uploaded for ppl to listen at their leisure... 2 social networking site with this name(Have send mails to them for verifications)
Wonder why r they so many version, guess when no one claim credits, ppl will make use of this opportunity and make up story to claim it as its own.... and when enough ppl buy their story, it will become the truth. Or maybe the oringinal author just make up story to gain popularity, just like any other marketing gimmicks...Perhaps the beauty of this song is enhance by its mysterious origin and tat is wat the author has in mind. I will never noe, so what I can do now is just to sit back, relax and enjoyed the music...
There are a few versions, solo and duet... no idea whether any of story is true, but they all revolve around someone who is dying of illness at very young age.
Version one
Quoted from youtube comments
"Hi all, to all the speculation out there, this song was written by JAE, director of Music Garage, a music school in Singapore, bugis. This is the 2nd edition of zui hou yi ci, the 1st edition was sang by lovynn kan after JAE selected her to sing this song. you can purchase his album which has this song at the music school. For more enquiries do feel free to msg me. Do continue to support JAE and stay tune for part 2! "
In this MV, Jae was a teacher who is dignose with some kind of terminal illness... wanted to quickly impart his skill to this gal who was bully by other students jealous of her talent. But Jae was running out of time....
Personally I think this version is badly sang and the guy and gal can't even pronounce properly... making it hard to believe tat Jae was the guy who wrote this song with such wonderful lyrics...
The depth of this song seems to be from someone more refined and not so beng....
Version two
The singer was Loyvnn Kan. Her voice is full of emotions... she brought out the "feel" and "visual" impact of this song...
Story of this version
Quoted from youtube comments
"its the story of the girl and her bf. they were very close and their parents are kind of like approve them, they are going to get married aft uni. but during the 3rd year of high sch, going through a medical check up, the docs found out that the girl's blood protein is abnormal. through a detailed check up, they found out that the girl had some skin disease, she had less than a year to live.
so she start writhing a journal to record her life, that when she found out that most of the things were done with her bf, he became irreplaceable to her. so she decided to write him a song. she got a friend to help do the recording. she wrote the lyrics, compose the tunes and sang it herself even though she's feeling very weak.
Aft the song had been completed, she asked for euthanasia. b4 she died, she told her bf:'i cant see the sunrise anymore, but i'm not afraid cos i had you'. the bf travelled to all places where he can see sunrise for his gf,took pics of it.
earlier this yr(2008), while he was on one mountain top admirinf the sunrise, he lost his footing and fell of the mountain. by the time his body had been found it was alrdy badly decomposed, but his camera is still intact and in it was the last sunrise he took. "
Version 3
They say the gal's name is 思 since in the lyrics, the singer pronounce 思走了,and not 先走了
If I am given a choice to choose which version is the real one, I would definately prefer version 2... as the story matches the lyrics and make more sense... also the singer is so much better than the previous version. But of coz, there's only one truth, no matter what I choose... lol
However everyone is claiming they know the person who wrote the song... be it the first version or second version... some say they even have newspaper article that supported their version of the story... though so far no one has produced any link or evidences online... Some say the gal is from JB, some say from SG, some say from China... depending on where u view the video from... from youtube or tudou.. lol...
I guess some people just felt that by claiming being friends of the singer in real life, their status will somehow be elevated to a god like position
Out of curiosity,I have search the web for lovynn kan and found... mainly just the mp3 songs uploaded for ppl to listen at their leisure... 2 social networking site with this name(Have send mails to them for verifications)
Wonder why r they so many version, guess when no one claim credits, ppl will make use of this opportunity and make up story to claim it as its own.... and when enough ppl buy their story, it will become the truth. Or maybe the oringinal author just make up story to gain popularity, just like any other marketing gimmicks...Perhaps the beauty of this song is enhance by its mysterious origin and tat is wat the author has in mind. I will never noe, so what I can do now is just to sit back, relax and enjoyed the music...
One of the saddest thing in life is you can't even describe your sadness when you are feeling sad...
First meeting after new yr
Posted by
, Tuesday, February 03, 2009 at 5:01 pm, in
Hmm. Attending another löng winded meeting, let me see how much i can write within tis period. Its kinda of hard to key in using my hp, one letter at a time,realli miss my keyboard now, but at least i can type it under the table without anyone noticing, except perhaps tat guy with the super shiny reflective surface leather shoes. I bet he can monitor everyone's movement just by constantly peeping at his super shiny shoes. I tend to pause my typing whenever he look down. You can't be too careful.
Oooo yeah,after 3hrs of mind game with the chairperson and tat overly shiny shoes guy, the meeting is almost over, can finally put down my pen, ops i mean hp.
Oooo yeah,after 3hrs of mind game with the chairperson and tat overly shiny shoes guy, the meeting is almost over, can finally put down my pen, ops i mean hp.
Slumdog Millionaire
Posted by
, Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 12:02 am, in

Just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire and I really like it. Actions, thrilling, romantic and motivating all in one. The setting are based in Indian showing the livelihood of the ppl staying in the slum. It started with the male lead,Jamal being tortured and interrogated as he was accused of cheating in the "Who wants to be a millionaire" Game show. As the interrogation went on
, the mystery unravel as how he can answers all the qns. The scene move back in time, flashback of his memories starts... and reasons of why he wanted to play on the show are told.
He is trying to get back his childhood friend,Latika the female lead whom he lost contact thrice. Three time their separations had been really nasty, hence explaining Jamal's desperate attempt to find Latika. All the three separations was caused by Jamal own brother Salim who sort of betrayed him throughout the show, but at the same time showing care for Jamal... a real contradicting plot, and tats why I love it :)
The three of them knew each other in the poorest slum in Indian and got together because of a religious riot which kill their parents.
Basically, Jamal was portrayed as a person who never give up throughout the show... will try all means and ways to achieve his goal. And finally his determination touch his brother Salim who finally gave in and help Latika to escape so that she can be with Jamal. By helping Latika, Salim sacrifice his life and kill the mafia boss who is holding Latika.
Salim , the person who will grab hold to any opportunity he can get, no matter good or bad... he is street smart and willing to resort to cruel methods in order to survive. However, the help and aids he provided for his brother, Jamal shows that he is not all bad in nature but he did it for the sake of survival.
Latika,a gorgeous gal who Jamal fall in love with since young. Can't really survive on her own. Jamal keep helping her throughout the movie. And she worries alot bout her own safety and survival in the beginning... it was only until the end that she decides to elope with Jamal.
DVDs set for my Sis Wedding
Posted by
, Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 1:49 am, in

Wooohoooo, finally completed the conversion from MPG to DVD format. Added some DVD menus for easy maneuver and printed the DVD Cover... Now I present a complete set of Video and Photo DVD of my Sister's Wedding.
You can now own your very own copy for merely 99USD. And this is not all, you will not be getting only 1 DVD... or 2 DVDs... you will be getting 3 DVDs!! Plus if you call now, I will throw in a High Res Photo DVD for you to view at your leisure. Call now! While Stock last, first 10 callers get free jewel casing with exquisite engraving for FREEEEEEEE!!!
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