A very touching song... not sang by any famous singer, but I guess it has been made famous thru youtube or tudou.
There are a few versions, solo and duet... no idea whether any of story is true, but they all revolve around someone who is dying of illness at very young age.
Version one
Quoted from youtube comments
"Hi all, to all the speculation out there, this song was written by JAE, director of Music Garage, a music school in Singapore, bugis. This is the 2nd edition of zui hou yi ci, the 1st edition was sang by lovynn kan after JAE selected her to sing this song. you can purchase his album which has this song at the music school. For more enquiries do feel free to msg me. Do continue to support JAE and stay tune for part 2! "
In this MV, Jae was a teacher who is dignose with some kind of terminal illness... wanted to quickly impart his skill to this gal who was bully by other students jealous of her talent. But Jae was running out of time....
Personally I think this version is badly sang and the guy and gal can't even pronounce properly... making it hard to believe tat Jae was the guy who wrote this song with such wonderful lyrics...
The depth of this song seems to be from someone more refined and not so beng....
Version two
The singer was Loyvnn Kan. Her voice is full of emotions... she brought out the "feel" and "visual" impact of this song...
Story of this version
Quoted from youtube comments
"its the story of the girl and her bf. they were very close and their parents are kind of like approve them, they are going to get married aft uni. but during the 3rd year of high sch, going through a medical check up, the docs found out that the girl's blood protein is abnormal. through a detailed check up, they found out that the girl had some skin disease, she had less than a year to live.
so she start writhing a journal to record her life, that when she found out that most of the things were done with her bf, he became irreplaceable to her. so she decided to write him a song. she got a friend to help do the recording. she wrote the lyrics, compose the tunes and sang it herself even though she's feeling very weak.
Aft the song had been completed, she asked for euthanasia. b4 she died, she told her bf:'i cant see the sunrise anymore, but i'm not afraid cos i had you'. the bf travelled to all places where he can see sunrise for his gf,took pics of it.
earlier this yr(2008), while he was on one mountain top admirinf the sunrise, he lost his footing and fell of the mountain. by the time his body had been found it was alrdy badly decomposed, but his camera is still intact and in it was the last sunrise he took. "
Version 3
They say the gal's name is 思 since in the lyrics, the singer pronounce 思走了,and not 先走了
If I am given a choice to choose which version is the real one, I would definately prefer version 2... as the story matches the lyrics and make more sense... also the singer is so much better than the previous version. But of coz, there's only one truth, no matter what I choose... lol
However everyone is claiming they know the person who wrote the song... be it the first version or second version... some say they even have newspaper article that supported their version of the story... though so far no one has produced any link or evidences online... Some say the gal is from JB, some say from SG, some say from China... depending on where u view the video from... from youtube or tudou.. lol...
I guess some people just felt that by claiming being friends of the singer in real life, their status will somehow be elevated to a god like position
Out of curiosity,I have search the web for lovynn kan and found... mainly just the mp3 songs uploaded for ppl to listen at their leisure... 2 social networking site with this name(Have send mails to them for verifications)
Wonder why r they so many version, guess when no one claim credits, ppl will make use of this opportunity and make up story to claim it as its own.... and when enough ppl buy their story, it will become the truth. Or maybe the oringinal author just make up story to gain popularity, just like any other marketing gimmicks...Perhaps the beauty of this song is enhance by its mysterious origin and tat is wat the author has in mind. I will never noe, so what I can do now is just to sit back, relax and enjoyed the music...
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Hi I wanna get a copy of that cd that you were saying. Can help me?
92388594 elvin
Hi, I dun think there is CD. I found it on youtube as well.
pls la she' not dead. go n search fb
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