Nop, I am not trying to sing the song do re mi....
but this is what I can do in my car every morning when driving to work...
I can take my time to toast the bread, smear butter and jam, standing by the boiling water, so I can make myself a cup of Lipton tea, while checking out the cars in the filter lane just slightly ahead of me joining our little JAM party.
Yes JAM... JAM and more JAM... a 20
mins journey turns out to be an hour drive... Its longer than driving from
cck to
changi airport.
2 days ago was one of the worse Jam.... The jam started even before I left the
carpark... I dunno is this coincident or Truman show in real life; everyone seems to leave home for work simultaneously today. I know because I have to queue just to get out of the multi-story
As my house is just beside
KJE, immediately I turn into another super long queue known to modern people as JAM... Usually there's lots of car, but not enough to constitute a jam.... oh well... Anyway it didn't take me long before I realise a van broke down in the middle of the expressway. Hey man, you know u r a van and u
noe its a old van... so please keep to the left side and die there, dun jam it up at the middle of nowhere.
Immediately I started rerouting... knowing there's a less travelled road old
choa chu kang road which can lead me to PIE. Happily, I got off the expressway and drove towards the single lane road, with a L-plate car that just knock down a motorcyclist waiting for me.... well done...
ok lucky he's a L-plate... can't drive fast... so that guy suffered minor cuts and bruises...
However I think it will be a good time that the instructor taught his student to turn on the hazard lights so that everyone from behind know he is not going to move anymore!
Ok 1 broke down vehicle and 1 traffic accidents in a single trip.... not common but not unheard of... so when I was counting that no more traffic incident will happen... the filter lane that I am suppose to exit have another broke down vehicle.... don't anyone in Singapore take care of their cars?? Do they even heard of maintenance??
Ok, in a
supposedly 20
mins drive to work turns out to be one of my longest trip... a record of 1 hr and 20
mins... due to 3 traffic incidents... well if its accident... I guess sometimes its really hard to avoid... but broke down vehicles......... oh man... the driving school should emphasize more on car maintenance as well..