End of Phase One
Posted by
, Sunday, August 06, 2006 at 3:57 am, in
Yessss, I have finally completed my Degree, but there's no relief at all, in fact I felt just as stressful; having to sell off all my stuff in Australia. It's bloody time consuming getting rid of cars, furniture and etc. Usually i can only post ads in local universities, on newspaper and internet, then wait at home for phone calls, but heng heng recently I discover setting stall at flea market. This is certainly cheap and fast option. The problem is I have to wake up at 6am!!! The venue is at canningvale flea market and the stall cost only $8 with decent crowd, but its outrageously early. Nevertheless I still forced myself to go… (haha, well u should have guess it, someone is forcing me to wake up) since sales are pretty good if you sell at really low price. However, a lot of people won't give face… they will haggle and squeeze u dry without regards to their behaviors. The whole scenario is as chaos as the SAVING PRIVATE RYAN beach scenes. They can bargain for 50cents lesser when u are already selling like $2. Yes they are vampires, suck u dry. Esp. the aunties and that includes the ang moh. Luckily I am not the one bargaining with them, I always leave it to my trusted associate. Xiao Keai ^_^ and she make the whole thing child's play and I actually feel fun.
Another thing that pump up my stress, is job hunting. Now i dunno if I should stick to my line and become engineer or try something else. It's a really tough decision and I sincerely hope I will have an answer soon (guess pray to guan yin miao still the fastest way, gng to curtin also based on drawing lots at guan yin miao) Well, soon I will have to discard the gullible and innocent self behind and step into cruel society, no more skipping or falling asleep in class, no more lecturer to give tips or friends to burn midnight oil, no more long holidays or 3 days school per week. All this will come to an end, with my freedom creeping away and responsibility gaining weight. I do not fear what may come; it's the uncertainty that's daunting. So many paths and trails and yet so few hints and advises. Like I say b4, drawing lots seems to be the easiest way, if it turn out good, oh gasp, its damm accurate, else just blame on the lots. Last of all, world peace, may the conflict between Israel and Lebanon be solve, they are onli benefiting the arm dealers (u noe who) and bringing their ppl and economy down.

Just wanted to put in some handsome photo to spice up my blog ^_^
Meet Bobby.