Last week of school
Posted by
, Friday, November 04, 2005 at 12:46 am, in
WE KILL A WHOLE PLATOON OF RED BACK SPIDER. And yes its one hell of a platoon! all hidden in the darkest side. I think we kill at least 7 tat day. destroying its nest and its hiding area, burning them alive! wahahahaha! ops, think i am abit overdoing it. Therefore i decide to rest for awhile, and stop this killing for the time being. Live ur life to ur max ba, little spider, may u survive to see another sunrise.
Spider spider everywhere
Posted by
, Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 5:46 pm, in
Finally spring is here, actually spring started last month, but it's been raining everyday and the night temperature went down to 10 degree. In fact, they should change Perth to be a 2 seasons area, summer and winter.
A couple of days ago, I was chatting with Sean bout staying here during the summer. He told me this year summer will hit more than 50 degree. Oh man, I dun have air-con in my room, think in the morning if I put raw egg in my room, at night can eat cook one liao.... damm... Guess I will be sleeping in my beloved car and blast my air-con, then attach a straw to the window.
Anyway this weekend, beside the usual studying, house chores, cooking, car washing, we have a new task... exterminate the spidersssssss…. And yes I put lots of ssss to emphasize a lot of spiderssssss. Spring is the time where all the hibernating insects or creatures come alive, so right now our house full of insects; moths, houseflies, bees, and giant mosquitoes. But the most unbearable one is the spiderssss, we found at least 5 types already, and their smallest one is around thumb size. Most of them are harmless, but its still creepy enough to drive us crazy, esp those in the toilet, just imagine you pang sai, then one crawl up your asshole...

Cross out means exterminated.
The worst thing is RedBack spider, cousin of black widow. They eat the male after mating too, and the female spider is the one that can kill u. Its poison can numb a person nerve and create havoc, people die from it b4. And yeah there is one behind our back yard. They are usually harmless unless provoke, but better be safe than sorry. Therefore we set out a quest to exterminate it. I told my friend bout it, and he ask me what if human do the same thing, eat the guy after mating... then I tell him, well, at least Ronald is Safe, he will be the last man standing! Whahahahaha!!
Pix of Red Back Spider
Gary our Insect IC, took out all his gear set (lighter and air refreshener) we try using insecticide before, but after spraying like half can, the spider merely seems drunk, so we figure out the best way is to burn them alive. Too bad things always never turn out the way we wanted, seems like our cheap refreshener is not workin, it did spray out balls of fire for the first 2 time, then it simply extinguish our lighter, damm… in the end, we have to use our $10 worth of slipper to finished it. In the process, we kill another unknown kind of spider as well. Well I took the video of the process, but it's too big to be uploaded, will try to reduce the size and put it online if possible.
Dead with red strip on its back
After killing tat Red Back, we decide to feed it to another spider, the one in the left bottom. Enjoyed ur meal, cause after we feed you enough, u will have to move out as well. Wahahahaha.
Feeding time
My frenz... a God
Posted by
, Friday, October 28, 2005 at 5:16 pm, in
And now another victim, will be adding him into my link real soon, he is the anti-car; biker fanatic guy. His favourite past time is to jio ppl pcc. Wahaha, just read his blog, his view is interesting. Like why car need turbo, becoz they are slow, wahaha.
Anyway this is my 2nd time changing my layout, coz the previous one is too "hedious", i added music in as well to suit the mood of this theme. Otherwise nothing has been change from the oringinal author. The words are still too hard to read, so i will be changing tat later. I will be changing the background pix as well, since my blog address is theme bathroom singer, was using some realli cool bathroom pix, but it cannot blend into this layout... time to use my rusty photoshop skill liao.
Ok, back to school work, havent touch on anything today, god help us all...
New layout
Posted by
, Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 2:03 am, in
Finally completed one of my assignments just now, took me 5 days to complete and its only worth 3.3%... but I have to score here to maintain my overall scores. Life still as boring, full of assignments and reports, but this week a bit different; friend from Singapore came to visit me in Perth and bought me some supply, yesssss!! So I decide to show him around Perth. (I just drive him to city and dump him there, so he can take his own transport to somewhere else, waahhahaa) He’s a nice guy.
Oh well, nothing much to talk about, always thought blogging is for faggot, and now I am blogging myself, wahahaha. Maybe I should learn from my friend, write about my inner thoughts, write about my school work, and write about my past… Just to make up something to fill the page. *wink*
Posted by
, Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 5:07 am, in
Its 5 am in the morning now, the sunlight is pretty visible now and its damm cold, and I am only halfway thru my work... sianz... but heng ah, i am not alone! yeah baby. I still have 2 faithful hsemate burning midnight oil... One of them has been stuck in his room for days, not leaving his room except makan time, sleep in the day, work in the night, we use to be sleep in the day, chiong in the night... I guess all engineer have no life. Ever since i am here, there is no peace, assignments after assignments, reports after reports... i miss those poly days, where i can simply skip class to go nearby arcade center or just hide in some empty classroom to sleep.
But nvm la, just endure abit, everything will be over soon... like confucius always say... eat bitter of bitter, then can man over man.
Peer pressure
Posted by
, Monday, October 24, 2005 at 11:37 pm, in
Andy, I brother anot, u post today, i also start today, although we cannot come out on the same day, we can start our blog on the same day!