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Thoughts before Singapore GE 2011

To all my friends, 
Please think carefully when you vote... yes it’s true the current govt might not be popular at the moment... Opposition sound like the in thing... but please.... please check on each parties background, don't just vote the opposition because you think it’s cool to do it.
Think of what each party can do for you. Don't think of the short term benefits only and make your future generation suffer...
Don't choose the easy way out... We are not the only country in this world that are suffering from inflation, we are not the only country with the highest housing price that stop or block ppl from buying house.
Please think really hard, we have to focus on economy, because if we don't, we will be push around by other ppl, we won't have any bargaining power... coz we don't have any natural resources. We don't have lots of land, the only thing we have is human capital. But even so, we don’t really have enough human resources... 6 million people is not alot... Just look at Israel. We share very similar background and situation. If they too have no economy, they would cease to be a country long time ago. As we all know money is power... without economy, we will be nothing soon... very soon.

Yes, our time has change, we are a developed country, we achieve many first in the world, we did many impossible things and most importantly we survive. However because of this, everyone becomes complacent. Now we are more concern with raising cost and inflation, more concern with whether we can own a car, more concern with a lot of materialistic enjoyment.  But really don’t forget… if we have an unstable govt… who do you think will come invest in Singapore... we rely a lot on foreign investment… do you think we can survive on our own, without natural resources… without land… Please don’t forget how we survive for this many years…. Please don’t forget how we build our country. Please do comparison with the right country…. Don’t use Australia, uk or Europe social benefit as comparison… we are simply too different… they can afford to lose sometimes, because of their vast resources… but we can’t afford to lose.
Yes, our raising cost of living and housing cost is raising, but we are still a lot better than many many countries that most people live in rented house most of their live… so if you want to do a comparison, do a comparison with countries that has limited lands… and they do suffer with traffic congestion… so go on do a comparison with them. Of cause, you can argue that the govt can do better. And of cause they should, and they should keep on improving. 

But however, if you think because the current govt is not competent, and you decide to vote for the opposition thing without doing any background check on them and what they are capable of… you are just killing your own future. So please, I beg you, all my friends, to do a check on every candidate… make sure you choose the capable right people... and not for short term benefit only.

Please remember, we are always fighting for survival… locally or globally.

最后一次 (update)

*update from my previous post*
I bet this is one of the most mysterious song ever play on youtube. Till now no one knows who's the singer and whether the story is true.
According to the youtube comments,it tells a story about this Malaysian girl who compose this song for her bf because she is dying, but there are others who claim it was sang by a Singaporean known as LAVIGNE (簡靖紋), and compose by a guy call Jonathan Ang for the Indian Ocean tsunami.

No matter the truth, it is a nice song with a beautiful story, and its mystery enchanted this song even more.

Matchmaking guide for your horoscope and coffee


水瓶座 (01/21-02/19)
水瓶座是标准的仁道主义和博爱论者,对喜欢迎向挑战和变化的水瓶人来说,一成不变是生活最大的致命伤,崇尚自由和天马行空则是这个星座表现在外 最明显的两大特色。对相交满天下的水瓶而言,即使喝一杯咖啡也应该有不断的变化,摩卡可可咖啡就很值得一试。咖啡杯中先放砂糖,倒入热咖啡,再加入巧克力 和牛奶拌勻,最后在表面加上鲜奶油,再在鲜奶油上加上薄薄的巧克力碎片。

双魚座 (02/20-03/20)
生活在大海洋里的双鱼座,融合着多重的矛盾与冲突,她是半天使半魔鬼的综合体,温和,软弱,好幻想,敏感集于一身。鱼座天生对醇酒美食没有抵抗 力,又特别容易沉溺于某种嗜好上即使是咖啡,也很可能酗喝成瘾,因此我们建议鱼座的朋友,不妨喝最温合的法式牛奶咖啡。二分之一的热牛奶,兑上二分之一的 纯咖啡,让温柔的牛奶大减轻咖啡因的杀伤力。

牡羊座 (03/21-04/20)
爱恨分明的牡羊,有著天生的狭义心肠,生命力特别旺盛的他绝不会轻言退缩,喜欢迎向挑战的个性,让他们像离了弦的箭笔直朝红心飞去,为了配合白 羊急促的脚步,一杯热情洋溢的意大利式咖啡(Expresso)是最理想的选择。煮得快,喝的快,浓郁滚烫的Expresso,最能为牡羊停不下来的冲劲 加油!六至八公克深炒意大利咖啡豆,磨到最细,用意大利咖啡机煮出五十cc小杯量的小杯黑咖啡。

金牛座 (04/21-05/21)
绝对美食主义的金牛座,追求品味一向不遗余力,他们对精致的食物,好质感的衣服,都有直觉的敏感,所以最适合金牛的咖啡,是来自于牙买加一千两 百公尺高山上的蓝山咖啡。买一罐真品蓝山回家,以手磨机磨碎直接煮成黑咖啡,喝的时候不加糖不加奶精,才能喝出蓝山最细致的风味。

双子座 (05/22-06/21)
行动力强的双子座,很容易给人一种"行如风"的感觉,因为他的一切行为太快了,脑筋动得快,步调快,说话快,反应快连推翻自己的速度也快,这世 上的流行时髦趋势大多是为双子准备的,他们喜欢一切的新鲜的事物,如果要选一种最适合双子的咖啡,口味多变又是新时尚的调味咖啡最洽当不过了。调味咖啡的 口味最变化多端,主要是在咖啡豆的上头,调上各种水果,核果,或香料味道,从巧克力,杏仁到薄荷,有上百种选择,多面性格的双子,不妨从琳琅满目的口味中 寻找自己最喜欢的味道。

保守而敏感的巨蟹,是天生的收藏家,他們孜孜不倦的收集生活里的一切东西从钱财,照片,衣服,到一双磨穿了底的破鞋念旧的巨蟹们几乎舍不得丢掉 他身边任何一样拥有回意的东西, 对这样节俭而保守的巨蟹来说,无论苦酸醇浓都恰到好处的综和咖啡,显然能因应他的需求。每一家不同的综合咖啡,风味各异,无论以蒸馏,滤纸手沖或电咖啡 壶,都可以得到不错的效果,喝时不妨调一些奶精跟糖。
狮子座 (07/23-08/22)
就像七月骄阳一样,狮子是十二个星座中是最显赫尊贵的一个星座,喜欢受人膜拜的狮子座,霸道,慷慨,热情,自信都是他向外辐射的光环,像这样一 个小太阳似的星座,最适合喝饮用前要先在咖啡上燃烧起火焰的"黄金咖啡",据说狮子座英雄拿破仑就最爱喝这种咖啡。先在咖啡杯中倒入刚煮好的热咖啡,在杯 上放一把特制汤匙,汤匙上放上浸过白兰地酒的方糖,关掉灯以火柴点燃方糖,美丽的淡蓝色火焰开始燃烧,等火焰熄后把糖放入咖啡中搅拌。

处女座 (08/23-09/23)
处女座是标准的完美主义者,这个星座的人似乎都有无可救药的洁癖,喜欢杞人忧天,忧心冲冲的时间比别的星座都来得多‘先天下之忧而忧,后天下之 乐而乐',形容正是这个星座的人, 为了帮助处女座过于紧绷的神经,建议他喝 ‘玛莎克兰咖啡’… 将热咖啡,砂糖,和红葡萄酒一起放在锅内加热,倒入咖啡杯中后放一片柠檬片与肉桂棒,喝的时候以肉桂棒代替汤匙搅拌。

天秤座 (09/24-10/23)
天秤座的个性非常反应在他们的星座象徵上,就是一个永远在追求平衡的秤座, 服应"一切以和为贵"道理的天秤座,也是一个美的星座,他们对于艺术服饰,布置都有独到的品味。面对这样一个星座,纯美的维也纳咖啡显然是理想的选择。在 煮好的综合咖啡上,挤上打发的鲜奶油。
天蝎座 (10/24-11/22)
将至善与邪恶藏于一身的天蝎座,强烈是性格中根深蒂固的一部份,但是敏感的蝎子,却常常喜欢隐藏住內心似火燃烧的烈焰,在脸上覆盖一层冷漠的面 具,面对这样一座冰冻火山,神秘的Cappuccino咖啡最能抓住蝎子的矛盾。两断式口感的Cappuccino舌尖初遇的是甜美新鲜的牛奶接下来变成 魔鬼般强烈的Expresso三分之二的意大利Expresso咖啡,面上是三分之一以蒸气打泡的新鲜牛奶,还可以撒上少許迷人的肉桂粉。

射手座 (11/23-12/21)
只要想像一下在原野上奔跑的马匹,就不难理解为什么射手座的人会这样崇尚自由,他害怕任何繁琐的小事,认为这些芝麻绿豆的小事,会像绳索一样束 缚自己, 此外,人马也是天生的赌徒,赌性坚强是他打娘胎里就带来的最佳筹码,对于这样一位勇敢的赌徒,一杯加了威士忌的"爱尔兰咖啡"最能迎合他奔弛的想像力。把 糖和一盎司的爱尔兰威士忌放入咖啡杯中,倒入热咖啡使糖融化,然后再在咖啡面上加入鲜奶油。

魔羯座 (12/22-01/20)
坚忍不拔,脚踏实地是用来形容魔羯的最好句子,这个星座的人律己甚严,对任何事都一丝不苟,老学究的个性,使他们做起任何事来都一板一眼,因此 在摩羯座的生活中找不到所谓的嬉戏和散慢,这样稳扎稳打的个性,在选择咖啡时,最适合又苦又香又醇的曼特宁,像一首低回的大提琴。不加糖,只加少许奶精, 细品曼特宁的醇厚滋味。


First post of the year!

Finally posted new entry this year... kinda wasted effort revamping my blog last yr for the backpacking trip...  I only posted less than 10 entries. Guess the facebook prove to be a much much easier and convenient tools to use in the end. Yeah hooray to facebook creator who created such wonderful social networking tools... It had overtaken google as the most popular site! So choosing facebook to post my whereabouts rather than using Blog is surely the right choice!

Haha in fact fb popularity has no link to why I choose fb over blog... the real reason will be... fb is just too convenient. You can post lots of photos, u can create caption, u can tag ppl in the photos, ppl can make comments in ur photos. fb automatically notified everyone in ur friend list... TADA! so many obvious advantages! so haha, I am a lazy guy who will make use of the easiest and most efficient tools to achieve my means!

Using internet at Lao's internet cafe.

The problem with internet cafe, is their keyboard and mouse tends to be really dirty and slimy! Think they should start creating disposable keyboard and mouse, or try to wipe it once a day!

Hmm... time not enuf to update again. Gng Chiang Mai tml

At Bangkok Gloria jean using internet. But only 1 hr free. so i dun think i will be able to update in time. hopefully the guesthse at chiang mai has wifi... signing off now.

Hmm... An adventure? Not Yet, but near

Hmm... have been quite a fast pace trip for the last few days... rushing to get on the train. Arriving super early in the morning? Or maybe it should be say at night?

Experiencing first hand, stone chip into the Train Window (which is realli loud) and causes a extremely complex crackline, yet amazingly not falling apart despite the bumpy ride and fast movement of the train. Talking to lots of interesting ppl on the train... Actually I didn't tok much... Kevin was doing the talking while I was acting all too Jap... keep snapping at the scenery or reading a book and pretend I dun understand. In fact, I can't talk much, coz they r using dialect. I understand them... but I would look like an idiot if I try to talk to them using my broken dialect...
My tactic...keep trying to act cool and ans only if its auntie or ah gong who needed help in moving heavy stuff.

Anyway during my 23hr ride from Penang to Bangkok, we were molested many times by a 5 yrs old gal... or more like domestic violence??? She was hitting us throughout the train journey. Using fist and Stepping on our toes.... :(   but she is still cute... lol

And tats not all... even eating food become damm exciting.. .it almost like amazing race. We arrive very early at Penang... ard 4-5am... and all the shops ard the ferry are close. We were kind of famished, only bought a small pack of bread up the train, thinking they will be selling food onboard... hmm maybe they did... but we were too lazy to find out. So we walk ard the place looking for food... took us ard 15-20 mins b4 we located a prata shop...After some hesitation, since we just ate some prata like 2 days b4, we went in and order some prata... The prata guy seeing us from oversea actually offer us some free potatoes curry salad! Its tasty and similar to the one in spore... So we happily took it... haha must make use of all the advantage we get.

When we almost finished the breadfast, I call thiong at ard 7 plus... didnt want to wake him up too early, coz its his weekend afterall. I know he wouldn't mind, but I realli paiseh to wake him up so early... TBC

>>>> Got to stop here, writing at the Cybercafe in MBK bangkok... will update as soon as possible and tats if i remb the details.





